Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Welcome to my new blog.  As a former Nail Tech and a new Jamberry Sales Rep, it is my hope that you can use this Nail Nook blog for any answers you may need by either finding it already listed or asking a question. My Jamberry website is GoddessNails.JamberryNails.net and the email associated with my business is GoddessNails.mla@gmail.com.  I am hoping to switch the gmail associated with this account as the account it signed my blog up with is my kid's school account  :(  Not sure what  I did there but I am going to try and fix it!  WELCOME.  I hope that my experience in the nail industry will help you to be successful with your Jamberry Nail Wraps.  If you are having issues with your wraps, it is most likely human error.  I have many ideas to help you get a perfect fit and long wear!

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